Well surprise, surprise... Santy showed up this year. Wishing a decent holiday and beyond for all!
Like Wild Turkey, Milk, and Candy Cane
Like Wild Turkey, Milk, and Candy Cane
Well, that was a record-setting period of dormancy for this blog. Apologies to all followers, artists, and visitors. The lone bright spot to my neglect is there's already an Orphans mix that's 70% completed - and there's still the Best of 2023 to compile before then.
This Faves mix is the first time I've organized the running order of the tracks based mostly on volume levels. You''ll notice the playback volume increases as the mix goes on - and do consider that a warning if you dare to play on shuffle. I'm not sure why some albums push everything in the red until eardrums bleed while others sound like all the mics were positioned under wet cattle blankets, but it's becoming a pet peeve of mine. And, yeah, I'd be prepared to upgrade from peeve to crusade, but I suspect the chances of changing anything are equal to a dog catching a snowflake.
I'm Always Shooting for High Fallutin'
A Calculated Strategy or an Underwhelming Prayer
Just noticed there's been a rash of older links blocked due to copyright issues, which is fair enough - I just wish the offended parties made themselves known so I could simply delete their track and switch it out for an artist that sees the value in this sort of low-rent, low-grade, low stakes promotion. Oh well... this blog's been trundling along for 15 years now, so it's been a pretty good run. You may want to snag this Summer mix quickly though.
Summer Bruises, No More Excuses
Shine On Little Baby, You're Too Good For This World
It Ain't Hard to See What the Fuck is Happening
Some time next year I'll no doubt discover an absolute gem that I frustratingly managed to never hear (suggestions always welcome, btw), but for now 2022 is pretty much wrapped with this mix. Over all, a good year - although I'm definitely seeing hints that the rock era could be drawing to a close. That might be complete hogwash of course; after all, some pinched-faced conservative moralists claimed rock was dead back in 1958 - and I don't want to align myself with any of those sorts of knobs. Maybe I'll just shut up, clutch on to the words of Oscar Wilde ("reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated"), and continue onward as if change and entropy aren't a feature of this life. Seems as good a plan as any.
1. The Jazz Butcher The Highest In The Land
Like Bowie's "Blackstar" this is an intimate last release by an artist ruminating on his impending mortality. The main difference being that Pat Fish makes you sing along as he breaks your heart.
2. Fuzzbubble Cult Stars From Mars
As far as I can tell, it took 20 years for the band to follow their debut and, incredibly, this infectious collection of Lennon-esque vocals & Cheap Trickian power chords may have been worth the wait.
3. Sweet Things Brown LeatherOpening up their Stonesy sound with ballads, slide guitar, and a hint of country/southern rock only makes it more Stonesy - but this is the mean cold-blooded late 60s Stones, so just know that any stray yayas in yer system are about to get out.